Live Sales Tracking on your Phone Finsys ERP

Category Archives: Recent News

Live Sales Tracking on your Phone Finsys ERP

Live Sales Tracking, Live Collection Tracking.. in Finsys ERP Software. This is a Standard Facility. All Industries.  This is available only at the Top Management Level. This is what most directors always want to know… what is my Sale, upto the minute, and what is my Collection. ?

Finsys ERP has a ditto screen in (a) Main Finsys (b) Android App (c) IOS App.  … So, if you are a senior Management person, You will like to see this every day, every few minutes.

This inspires. This provokes, This pushes you to compete against yourself. And make your Sales better and better.

Stock Turnover Ratio , reducing Stock in factory

Using stock turnover ratio can reduce your cost .

Are you from *Management* ? Must see this Video….

Are you from *Accounts* Dept ? Must see this .. to reduce the stock holding cost of the company… Lakhs of Rs per year..

If you are from the *Production or Sales*, ? Of Course this is for you.

*Stores / Purchase* ?  You can actually reduce your stock to below 15 days /… or whatever figure you decide for yourself.

*Maintenance* : Critical Stock… based on based consumption history ?  Do watch this Youtube released by Finsys

Title : Stock Turnover Ratio – *How to reduce your stock to below 15 days*

Link :


Sangeet & Puneet

Back Flush Reporting in ERP

Identify wastages & losses in Production.

Every manufacturer wants to know… how much should have been consumed versus Actual.  How much was excess ?

Where can I save my cost ?

How to save money in Raw Material side ?

Best for Steel, Brass, Plastic , Rubber, Pharma , Food, Cosmetics, Corrugation Packaging and Machinery Manufacturing companies.