Are you able to see attached documents without Party Master ?

Monthly Archives: January 2025

Are you able to see attached documents without Party Master ?

Are you able to see attached documents without Party Master ?


Everyone in your organisation has rights of Party Master ?



If Yes, you are letting everyone see some sensitive data of party which is not ethical in some or other way.


Finsys Party master has a feature named Document attachment .But to enable it you should have rights of Party master.


The problem we face is we don’t want to give party master’s rights to everyone but want some people to see attached documents.

Now, solution to this….

The new update of Finsys ERP provides the solution for this by introducing the a feature to viewing attachments by not having rights of Party Master.

Map to this-

Road Map Clipart in Illustrator, SVG ...

Accounts Module—Transaction Control—View documents attached with party master


Now no interventions can be made in party master and also got the access to view attachments with Party Master.

You may give this right of viewing attachments to Tax department person to view GST Certificates or Cheque copy attached with it.

This feature also makes your data safe from some uncertainties.

Make your work more authentic by using this good and upgraded feature.




Listen the YouTube video below made by the Co-Founder of Finsys Mr. Puneet Gupta for more clarity and you can stay in touch just by following and subscribing.


ERP is a single source of Truth

ERP is a single source of Truth


We usually maintain our new leads in business in Google sheets and Excels.



It’s just a stand by arrangement not a permanent, fixed and managed solution.

E-mail is also not a solution for this because the question is –


Why should we follow the lead on different platforms ?


As its not easy to do follow ups on different platforms like E-mails, WhatsApp and calls.



Don’t Worry…

Finsys has your back as always.



Finsys worked on problems like

If sale order is ready, dispatch request has been made or not ?


  If Dispatch request had made, Material has been loaded or not ?


If material is loaded, Dispatch has been made or not ?



Finsys made all this easy by introducing a automated feature in which routine works are inter-linked with different department.

If one department makes request, the other department can see it on the ERP and can take actions accordingly.


Use e-mail to contact outsiders but use this special feature for your office & inter-department works.


Listen the YouTube video below made by the Co-Founder of Finsys Mr. Puneet Gupta for more clarity and you can stay in touch just by following and subscribing.



Read – How to do Physical Verification Stocks Fast ?

Standard Vs. Actual Consumption

After production recording everyone needs to match their consumption and standards.

How to match standard and actual consumption ?



Finsys solve this problem by introducing new reports which job wise reports standard vs actual consumption.

Sometimes some small consumptions are not declared at the time of production, Finsys now provides you with a new feature in which you can enter these items later also. So that you can get the real consumption.






Job-wise Consumption


More accuracy in report


Can be entered later also


This record making provide us with-




What material is used for production ?


How the material is used for production ?


How much material is used for production ?


Production is done at What cost ?


Use this Feature to make your production more better, accountable and effective.



Listen the YouTube video below made by the Co-Founder of Finsys Mr. Puneet Gupta for more clarity and you can stay in touch just by following and subscribing.



Also read our latest post about  Scrap Generation Click the Link below –



Scrap Generation in Finsys ERP —- Do’s and Don’ts…. RM going into Scrap ?

Do’s and don’t for the Scrap Generation

Entry in Finsys ERP ( or any ERP of the World ) …

Things to Remember... things to cross check…. Important Tip. Important Guidelines…. use any Software of the world. even in manual production and PPC….

What to do
Important focus

Income tax
All points

Ideally, move it properly
Document sign it
Printout it
Permanent audit

GST says…manufacturing process, logically sell it
Since GST Department wants GST on that

Income tax needs TCS on Scrap sale

Internal area

Is Raw Material going into Scrap ?
Master batch ?
Motors… going into Scrap ?
Sold excess or short ?

If should have been 10 ton…sold 6 ton… how ?
If should have been 10 ton… but selling 15 Ton…. big loss of
Raw Material becoming rejection

3 people to sign why this rejection happened

From x to y

Printed boards lost, why
Root cause ?
Making cooler, AC, paint..anything… why lost, why scrap ?
Offer Qnty out from WIP and offer Qnty inward of scrap

If you dont seek
You might face big losses, if these precautions are not taken

Like cash ka hisaab
Whether production RM or other Material

See the Detailed discussion and Suggested SOP— for Scrap Generation in Finsys ERP —- in this Youtube Video link below

With the Do’s and Don’ts…. RM going into Scrap ?

Youtube Finsys

Youtube link for Scrap ? How to control how much Raw material ….. sold off at Scrap in your company ? Safety steps


See the Youtube video above, to see, How to control how much is being sold off at Scrap in your company ? How to cross Check… Short is a Loss, Excess is Bigger LOSS

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