| Visitor Management System |
Another innovative idea Integrated in Finsys ERP
Photo taken.
Permission asked by person to meet.
Approval done by HR . Or HOD.
The permission is valid only for the time allowed as per The pass and the approval
When the person goes out the barcode on the visitor pass is scanned again and it validates whether the person is coming out within reasonable time or it is devoting extraordinary time inside the factory
- Main Gate – Visitor entry –
- online request by the staff member who is expecting a visitor
- online request by the Guard / visitor (in case of a “walk-in” without appointment )
- Online approval by the HOD of that department or the Admin / HR Dept
- The photo of the visitor is captured
- Entry pass is printed with his photo,
- Visitor database is created ..
- Who all came to the factory today ?
- Who are coming to the factory more than necessary / frequently ?
- Who remained in the factory more than necessary- 3 hours instead of 15 minutes approved time ?
- Who are meeting the Quality Dept staff ?
- Who came to repair the Machine ?
- Photo of the engineer who came to repair the costly imported Machine on AMC visit ? without appointment ( Risk… of exposing your machine to an unauthorised person / prevention of “sabotage” )
- OTP is generated, goes via SMS to the visitor.
- Main Gate – Vehicle entry –
- online approval, Vehicle photo, Vehicle entry pass, and creation of Vehicle database. Three grid reports are generated.