E Invoice in Finsys ERP

Category Archives: Recent News

E Invoice in Finsys ERP

*From 01-01-2021,  e-invoice becomes mandatory* for you if your FY 19-20, turnover was Rs 100 crores and above,
*Notification # 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 CGST dated 13-12-2019* .
For all Finsys clients,
Action required.
1. Check if your turnover is above this limit.
2.  Check your AMC is fully paid.
3. Test your webtel solution.
It’s API based.
Finsys API talks to Webtel
Webtel API talks to GST portal
Finsys prints e invoice number automatically.
Already tested ok.
Finsys & Webtel
*Making Business Better*
Contact Webtel for details on Phone number
Kishan +919319292047

Record the *Courier received & Courier Sent* digitally in ERP

*Does your company*
Record the *Courier received & Courier Sent* digitally.❓
*Benefit* is…. *when you click*, your ERP will give you information… Who ? When ? What ?. ?… Plus an internal message to relevant staff member.
Using this ❓
If yes, Good. ??
If not, Contact Finsys Call Centre. We will switch it on.
We ❤ making your Systems better & better.
*Making Business Better*

Android app to book sales Orders & Schedules

Android app to book sales Orders & Schedules


Very Useful for your first line Sales executives.

Features to send payment reminder letters from app.

See the order tracking

See the order vs despatch

*Free New Year Gift offer* for first 25 Qualified customers.?



Facility to extend…. give to your top 5 customer’s purchase manager also. … making your business look more IT friendly.   Order booking like Zomato / Amazon

T&C apply


We respect the Trade marks of Zomato and Amazon belong to the respective owners. We have just mentioned them to explain the feature of Software to the layman…. since both these brands are the DOYENS and GRAND FATHERS of E-commerce.