Batch Traceability Report
Now-a-Days every Industry needs Batch Traceability
You should know how a Simple Feature like Batch Traceability can help you to make your working more effective and efficient.
Right Batch no. should be mentioned while creating Material Required Receipt(MRR) so that we can know the raw material is procured from which vendor during the production.
If the items get rejected, or if there’s any customer or vendor complaint we can check on which date the production is done and can track from which vendor the material is procured.
By using Batch Traceability feature in Finsys by entering any Semi- Finished or Finished good’ s Batch no. you can track when goods were produced, on which machine the goods were produced, which operator produced that particular good, raw material used for the production of that good is procured from which vendor and who had done the inspection of that material.
Make your working more efficient by using this simple yet important feature !!
You can see the video below for more understanding made by the Co-Founder of Finsys – Mr. Puneet Kumar Gupta and can follow and subscribe the page for more such informative content.