If you are shocked too about Finsys ERP having AI Feature ??🧐
Don’t get shocked though used it at it’s fullest.
Lets have a glance at it.
Purchase department
When you create purchase order in Finsys it checks at which cost you had purchased it earlier and prompts you if you are purchasing on higher cost than earlier.
What else we call it ??…. Definitely an AI Feature
It’s an AI as its telling you that why are you purchasing it at this much difference in purchase cost and how much possibly you can save in this order or how much cost you have incurred in that particular order. What else you need ?
Make your Purchase more efficient and better by using this fantastic AI Feature of Finsys ERP for your organisation.
If the purchases are good then the bottom line automatically gets better as the sales prices are influenced by customer as it gives us bill of material.
As if want to do cost saving then we have to strong our Purchase Department.
For more clarity you can watch the short video with the link below made by The Co-founder of Finsys Mr. Puneet Kumar Gupta and can get more such informative videos by following and subscribing the channel.