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Category Archives: Recent News

YouTube – Curing Time of Rubber and Plastics / Adhesives

In this video we will show you how curing process can be done with the help of Finsys ERP.

This feature is also used by one of the leading manufacturers of plastic auto components – DLJM (Dipty Lal Judge Mal), which challenges to be no. 1 and work like no. 1.

It has plants across India. With Digitization, Analyzation and Transformation online they are an example of Industry 4.0.

Curing tag generated by Finsys ERP shows you the required information such as date of production tag, serial no., quantity, person who created it and after what time you can use the trolley.

Then there is a single display which shows the information about all the trolleys. Steps for this curing process are as follows:

1. Production planning

2. Production entry is done

3. Tag Generation with bar code for each trolley

4. Printing of tag and Bar code scanning on trolley

5. Then there is real time display on LCD

6. Scanning with Mobile app for checking curing time

It’s that easy, if you also want to increase your productivity with the help of this feature, contact Finsys ERP or comment below.



Youtube – Can Production staff do production entry through Android Phone ?

Can Production workers do production entry in your ERP through a simple Android Phone ?

Watch this Finsys Youtube Video to see it happen live.

They definitely can, with the help of latest feature of Finsys ERP. This can be done with the help of following steps:

i. Go to Finsys Android App

ii. Login with your id and password

iii. Go to Production Module and then FG Production Entry

iv. Fill the required information, click “add production item” save it and exit.

v. Now select FG quality approval option under Production Module

vi. It will show us the pending entry

vii. Here you can update the checked quantity and save it.

viii. Print the barcode sticker.


Disclaimer: This video is meant for basic FG production only. There will be no automatic consumption entries. There will be no checks with the bulk material or any other checks .  If you need them, then after this above plan is done, then, go for it in the next stage…. more complex end to end Finsys Production ERP Modules. ( slightly more complex, but equally more profitable).

Make your Goal, for next year for that also.


for additional information from the Finsys team,  …..  Contact us




for the youtube link, click the youtube image below



Registrations for Finsys Master Class for Managing Directors/ Promoter Family members / CEO, CFO, COO, Factory Heads

Finsys Master Class ….
for Managing Directors/ Promoter Family members / CXO’s

( CEO / COO / CFO / Factory Head most welcome).

( Many Growing SME Business Families are also Seriously systematic and Professional  )


However, we suggest, please do not add further junior staff.  (Kind Excuse, for this exclusivity, since the subject matters are such).

Date : 29th Aug 2020 ( Saturday )

Time : 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm.

Training by Mr Sangeet Kr Gupta and Mr Puneet Gupta, on NEW MIS Reports, Improvement Matrix and new “MIS reports for Top Management” Menu. Recommend all to Attend.

You simply cannot miss this
Book your Calendar

Zoom Link

Register in advance for this meeting:–tpz4pGdFekqExH2zZgd1q9HGVMHAs

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.



click here for the Recorded ZOOM VIDEO OF THE SESSION dt 1st August 2020.


it was Dated  : 1-Aug-2020 ( Saturday )

Time : 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm.

FINSYS: What Top Management should Check ?

Finsys Presents
MIS for the Top Management
“What Directors, CEOs, CFOs should check regularly”Daily, Weekly Reports from Finsys can be Eye-opener for you.
Check regular and take informed, correct decisions
Reduce losses and pilferages
Enhance direct Profits


Youtube Video – Continuous Stock Taking and Daily Physical Verification in Finsys | Part 2

Finsys Team Released New Youtube Video

Continuous Stock Taking and Daily Physical Verification in Finsys | Part 2

In the previous video, we discussed the importance of Continuous Stock Taking which helps us to eliminate many risks which happen due to wrong data entry, not issuing entries, vendor’s mistake, etc.

Advantages of Continuous stock Taking:

Accurate Accounting

Prevents Unnecessary Losses and Wastages

Improved Stock Management

In-house experts can be used

No Need to Shut down Operations

Eliminate Delays in Production/Delivery

In this video we will discuss how Continuous Stock Taking is done in Finsys ERP.

Go to the inventory module

Select Reel Physical

System asks for the group you want to check

Enter the group and category you want to check

Enter the location

Select a Gradeup/Subgroup

ERP shows you the required information such as reel wise movement, location and weight.

It’s that easy with the help of Finsys. This can be done by the existing people in the organisation or there can be two dedicated person for this job.

Youtube Video Link :-