In this video we will show you how curing process can be done with the help of Finsys ERP.
This feature is also used by one of the leading manufacturers of plastic auto components – DLJM (Dipty Lal Judge Mal), which challenges to be no. 1 and work like no. 1.
It has plants across India. With Digitization, Analyzation and Transformation online they are an example of Industry 4.0.
Curing tag generated by Finsys ERP shows you the required information such as date of production tag, serial no., quantity, person who created it and after what time you can use the trolley.
Then there is a single display which shows the information about all the trolleys. Steps for this curing process are as follows:
1. Production planning
2. Production entry is done
3. Tag Generation with bar code for each trolley
4. Printing of tag and Bar code scanning on trolley
5. Then there is real time display on LCD
6. Scanning with Mobile app for checking curing time
It’s that easy, if you also want to increase your productivity with the help of this feature, contact Finsys ERP or comment below.