Youtube Video – Continuous Stock Taking and Daily Physical Verification | Part 1

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Youtube Video – Continuous Stock Taking and Daily Physical Verification | Part 1

Youtube Video – Weekly Stock taking, Daily Physical verification of some items in stock

Continuous Stock Taking and Daily Physical Verification | Part 1

This video tells you about the importance of Physical Verification of your raw material on a daily basis, with the example of corrugation box industry.

According to Oxford Reference “A system of stocktaking designed to ensure that all the items of stock are physically counted and reconciled with the accounting records shown on the bin cards and the stock ledger within a specified period. For example, a stocktaking team may be working continuously so that all items of stock are checked four times a year, when adjustments are made to the accounting records to adjust them to the physical stock.”

Advantages of Continuous Stock Taking:

Accurate Accounting

Prevents Unnecessary Losses and Wastages

Improved Stock Management

In-house experts can be used

No Need to Shut down Operations

Eliminate Delays in Production/Delivery

Now why is Physical Verification Important?

For Reliability

For correct Profit and Loss Account

For Bank Stock Report # For Correct Drawing Power

MRP : Material Requirement Planning

To know correct closing quantity

and many more..

But does Physical Verification mean redo from the start? NO!!

But that happens so.. and it is not advantageous for anyone.

There could be many reasons for this difference in ERP records vs Actual Records such as Wrong opening reel no., missed some reels in opening, wrong kg in opening, wrong supplier reel no. in opening, barcode not put back on the reel, etc.

So in order to prevent such situations Continuous Stock Taking is essential to prevent wastage of resources and this can be done through a good ERP. In next video we will show you how it’s done in Finsys ERP.




Android Based Maintenance Module to Packaging Co in Karnataka

Android Based Maintenance Module to leading Packaging Company in Karnataka

Android Based Maintenance Complaint Module

Here the focus is logging of machinery complaints

Alerts to maintenance department.

Monitoring of the time list

Monitoring of the reasons of the same.

System simply shows the pendency’s

User can easily fill the details as options given in the screen and can save it.

After Complaint raise Engineer will get an auto mail and message regarding same compliant and will take action

Engineer will now take action and after resolve problem fill the details given in action entry screen.

Image Clicking option is also available engineer can also take image of problem and upload it there for future records.

Engineer can see all reports through Pending complaint card screen and also can take print out of complaint card.


Ease in Data Entry

An Auto mail / Message will go from finsys program to notify the maintenance engineer, so that he can take action.

It also has all the reports Such as Time Based Reports. And many more.

Better Downtime Monitoring over Phone

Automatic Monthly Summary – Machine Wise Break Down History

Automatic Monthly Summary – Department Wise

Automatic Monthly Summary – Reason of Down Time Wise

It is as Simple as Whatsapp And Youtube.

Can be use easily anywhere and anytime.

FINSYS ONLINE Training Class dt 24th July 2020 – Minimum Level in Inventory – importance, how to set and see

it was a successful FINSYS ONLINE Training Class dt 24th July 2020 – Minimum Level in Inventory – importance, how to set and see

Directly from the Finsys Experts.

Towards a Stronger, More Efficient, More Collaborative Indian Manufacturing Industry.

Finsys Training Session

24th July 2020, Friday | 4:00 PM

Focus Industries :

Plastic Moulding Industries, Rubber Moulding Industries, Sheet Metal, Equipment or machine manufacturers, Electronics Manufacturers, Packaging Companies. ( Infact, Common to all Industries )

Agenda items covered were

  1. Minimum Level, Maximum Levels, Reorder levels of Stock – how to set them one by one in ERP in Item master ?

  2. How to get Report of Stock items breaching these limits ?

  3. Importance of setting these levels ?

  4. Automatic Emails of Items below Minimum level ? how to start ?

  5. How to Change Automatically, by single click, the Min – max levels, based on month or season, consumption pattern due to Corona/Covid19

  6. Identification Tags for the Product / Item

  7. Identification Tags for the Almirah / Shelves / Racks


This was followed by

  • Frequently Asked questions

  • Open House ( Online Audience Queries)

  • Some other Standard Reports and options in Finsys ERP – Stores Module

Session was on Zoom

EOT Crane Company in Gurgaon awards OMS software to Finsys

A leading Hoists, EOT Cranes Manufacturing Company in Gurgaon awards OMS – Outstanding Management system software to Finsys

  1. Scope of work

    1. Title: Outstanding Management system.

    2. Here the focus is for collecting more payments.

    3. Works on laptops/Mac/Computers via the browser too.

    4. Enter the customer wise monthly target- How much to collect?







      1. TWO LINES



  1. ACTUAL = Record whether contacted customer or not ?

  2. How many times?

  3. What did customer say each time (alibi’s, Reasons, Commitments)

  4. Entry of follow ups with voice attachment option

  5. It will create a log list of customer follow up

  6. When is the collection expected?

  7. Sending the payment reminder letter on the fly.

  8. Sending the STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT on the fly.


  9. Sending the payment reminder letter on the fly.

  10. Few Reports are given to check log list

    1. Client dashboard wise

    2. client wise

    3. person wise

  11. team dashboard

    1. target vs actual

  1. Benefits

    1. Better collaboration between sales team accounts team and collection team

    2. Better transparency with the customer on what his staff is telling us.

    3. Monitor what your collection Department is doing ?

    4. Who called which customer ? and when ?

    5. What did the customer promise about next payment ?

    6. Monthly Summary of Followup’s = Customer wise History, makes is easy to explain the extent of followup, you have already done.

    7. Daily Summary = Own Employee wise Daily Report of Followup, Auto Email.

    8. Youtube link: 

    9. Ease of work

    10. More collection for your company

    11. Useful for collection department

    1. Finsys shall use ASP.Net in this product.

    2. Finsys shall program with a responsive page technology.

    3. The benefit is that the screen shall modified itself automatically based on the screen size of the device. For example Mobile Phone vs Tab vs Laptop vs iPhone.

    4. It will work on both iPhone, Android Phone and Desktop/ laptop Technology

Pune based Corrugation company further enhances its Finsys ERP

Pune based Corrugation company further enhances its Finsys ERP… Barcode based Finished Goods Stores

and its location,

and its Android Phone based Scanning which creates automatic & correct invoicing


They are using Finsys ERP since 2014, and now, as they expand, they have enhanced their Finsys ERP with the following features


  1. Topics number 1 : Pallet QR Bar code

    1. Finsys sticker is affixed on the Pallet. at Final inspection / final production stage. This is used to mark the ownership of that Box – who sorted it, who packed it, and who made it. What is the product name and product code. Which date it was made.

  1. Second = QR Bar code on FG Store Shelves – Numbering

    1. Each Rack shelf, will have this QR code

  1. QR Bar Codes usage for Android based FG Pallet Location

    1. Bar Codes Application– in Phone, for “FG Location ? “

    2. bar codes on FG, are used to scan and tell  the ERP, about where did the operator keep the FG  ( Also known as FG location.)

    3. So, advantage, nobody can say, “I don’t know”, or “I forgot”


  1. Invoice / despatch advice…. By scanning…. The pallet

    1. Existing Concept will undergo a change.

    2. Instead of manual data entry based invoices

    3. First, PPC decide, what is to be shipped today ( manually, based on ERP reports)

    4. Second, PPC sees, the ERP report of that item is available or not, and where it is ? its location

    5. One FG may have 30 pallets with 90 FG units each, at different location.

    6. They tickmark manually on the output and ask the Forklift operator to collect these pallets and bring to the TRUCK STUFFING BAY

    7. Just before truck Stuffing, the Despatch person will scan the pallets being stuffed in the truck

    8. ERP will make the Despatch Advice, based on the scanning.

    9. Accounts / Invoice making person will select which DA to be used to make invoice, he will select the DA, invoice number is generated and invoice is saved, after putting the E waybilll number etc

    10. Invoice is printed and given to the truck, and the DA is extinguished

    11. The locations also get “empty” in the ERP from where the pallets were withdrawn

  1. Last Pallet

    1. Usually, there could be some FG left in the Pallet , say 30 box are left in the pallet . So, Facility to be given to Despatch dept to return the semi filled pallet back to stores

    2. And it will also be assigned a location.

  1. Other Notes

    1. Size of pallets is standard = 1200 x 1200 mm

    2. Box size are different

    3. So, some boxes will come 50, some 90, etc

    4. For a particular box variety SKU… ERP will need a standard for that SKU

    5. Facility to Shift location from First location to second / Third / future location is also available ( done due to space reallocation from time to time).

  1. Reel Location

    1. Android Phone App for Geographical Bin Location ( Where is a particular Raw Material Reel – Link that ? )

    2. The customer shall mark the whole store floor in Squares with yellow paint.

    3. And floor Squares shall be numbered- A1, A2, A3, A4… B1, B2, B3, B4….and so on.

    4. The fork lift operator will just scan the reel and on the Mobile screen itself, tell the ERP where did he keep this reel. = Reel Location.

    5. Now, the App will show Reel location also for each reel.

    6. Facility to Shift location from First location to second / Third / future location is also available ( done due to space reallocation from time to time).

  1. Benefits

    1. Ease in Data Entry

    2. Real Time Control

    3. Better Monitoring

    4. Saves time of all concerned