Pune based Corrugation company further enhances its Finsys ERP… Barcode based Finished Goods Stores
and its location,
and its Android Phone based Scanning which creates automatic & correct invoicing
They are using Finsys ERP since 2014, and now, as they expand, they have enhanced their Finsys ERP with the following features
Topics number 1 : Pallet QR Bar code
Finsys sticker is affixed on the Pallet. at Final inspection / final production stage. This is used to mark the ownership of that Box – who sorted it, who packed it, and who made it. What is the product name and product code. Which date it was made.
Second = QR Bar code on FG Store Shelves – Numbering
Each Rack shelf, will have this QR code
QR Bar Codes usage for Android based FG Pallet Location
Bar Codes Application– in Phone, for “FG Location ? “
bar codes on FG, are used to scan and tell the ERP, about where did the operator keep the FG ( Also known as FG location.)
So, advantage, nobody can say, “I don’t know”, or “I forgot”
Invoice / despatch advice…. By scanning…. The pallet
Existing Concept will undergo a change.
Instead of manual data entry based invoices
First, PPC decide, what is to be shipped today ( manually, based on ERP reports)
Second, PPC sees, the ERP report of that item is available or not, and where it is ? its location
One FG may have 30 pallets with 90 FG units each, at different location.
They tickmark manually on the output and ask the Forklift operator to collect these pallets and bring to the TRUCK STUFFING BAY
Just before truck Stuffing, the Despatch person will scan the pallets being stuffed in the truck
ERP will make the Despatch Advice, based on the scanning.
Accounts / Invoice making person will select which DA to be used to make invoice, he will select the DA, invoice number is generated and invoice is saved, after putting the E waybilll number etc
Invoice is printed and given to the truck, and the DA is extinguished
The locations also get “empty” in the ERP from where the pallets were withdrawn
Last Pallet
Usually, there could be some FG left in the Pallet , say 30 box are left in the pallet . So, Facility to be given to Despatch dept to return the semi filled pallet back to stores
And it will also be assigned a location.
Other Notes
Size of pallets is standard = 1200 x 1200 mm
Box size are different
So, some boxes will come 50, some 90, etc
For a particular box variety SKU… ERP will need a standard for that SKU
Facility to Shift location from First location to second / Third / future location is also available ( done due to space reallocation from time to time).
Reel Location
Android Phone App for Geographical Bin Location ( Where is a particular Raw Material Reel – Link that ? )
The customer shall mark the whole store floor in Squares with yellow paint.
And floor Squares shall be numbered- A1, A2, A3, A4… B1, B2, B3, B4….and so on.
The fork lift operator will just scan the reel and on the Mobile screen itself, tell the ERP where did he keep this reel. = Reel Location.
Now, the App will show Reel location also for each reel.
Facility to Shift location from First location to second / Third / future location is also available ( done due to space reallocation from time to time).
Ease in Data Entry
Real Time Control
Better Monitoring
Saves time of all concerned