ICPMA Finsys Dec 2024 magazine Interview
Finsys ERP Software for Packaging Industry
Making Business Better for the Corrugation Packaging industry worldwide
Internationally Acclaimed Software Sharing some simple cost efficiency techniques being used in Carton Box Manufacturing, from India to USA, from Nigeria to Angola, From UAE to Saudi Arabia, from Nepal to Mauritius.
Interviewer : ICPMA

Q1. Can you tell us about your journey and how your company has evolved over the years?
A1. Finsys is serving the Customers in Corrugated Box Manufacturing for last 25 years. We are priviledged to be associated with Over 140 Automatic Corrugation Plants. Each Managing Director, Each CEO, Each Plant Head, Each Owner shared his vision, his pains, his challenges… This interaction led to evolution of our Software. We upgraded and created newer and newer Options, locks, features, and reports specifically for the Intricacies and nuances of the Corrugation Industry.
It was a mutually satisfying journey

Q2. What role does cost efficiency play in your Strategy to Support the Corrugation Packaging manufacturing sector ?
A2. Cost efficiency is vital in today’s competitive market. It allows the Indian Paper Mill or Corrugator or box manufacturers give best price at best quality to their respective customers. In Finsys we focus on every root cause of every downtime minute , rejection reason of every box, actual cost of shipment, profit of every shipment. The Finsys fans, have started knowing the output of machines in linear metres, and even factory overheads, operators salary and helpers salary are absorbed to know the cost of production, cost of sale and profit / Loss.
This focus, helps control on costs and mitigates the cost leakages.
It brings to light the real capacity utilisation. It shows what can be improved. And this CAPA – Corrective Action and Preventive Action.. is the cutting edge. That distinguishes a Finsys ERP customer with his competitors.
Mr Gaurev Agarwal, Director of Avon Containners, a corrugation company with 5 auto plants, once said , “When you have an ERP Software that helps you PREVENT the problems. When wrong material cannot be issued, when excess material cannot be issued, when wrong PO is reduced a lot, when wrong Sale price is mitigated… when overheads are in check.. You turn out with more profits”.
No doubt about it.
And thus, by focusing on optimizing resources, reducing waste, and improving productivity, we at Finsys, ensures the our clients operations remain sustainable and profitable.

Q3. What are some key cost-saving techniques you have implemented in your customers manufacturing facilities?
A3. We’ve employed several strategies to reduce costs:
- Reduce manpower cost in Machine Planning : ERP helps do the Machine planning and best fit, best batch with similar jobs.
- Reduce manpower cost in Raw Material Planning : Finsys ERP helps calculate the Raw Material requirement automatically. It takes into consideration the planned sales, planned production, planed purchases to know what indents to make, what PO to make. And of which paper grade. So, the corrugator buys the right material at right time in right quantity.
- Reduce manpower cost in Material Issue : ERP helps Scan and shoot.. issue Paper Reels, using the scanner… Fast and smooth
- Reduce manpower cost in Physical verification : ERP helps Scan and shoot.. take “physical verification or stock taking by barcode based “attendance” of the paper reels. Cool. Fast. No prior paper knowledge required.
- Reduce storage cost, reduce “reel finding cost” , reduce purchasing cost.. everything is better, as people use the ERP properly.

Q4. Have you introduced any innovations specifically aimed at cost reduction?
A4. Yes, there are super innovations which help in accuracy and help ease of doing business in everything
- Data entry in Accounts using QR BarCodes
- Data entry in Quality using QR Barcode
- Decision in right or wrong paper reel being issued using QR Barcode
- Linking to Weigh Bridge.. for truck coming in
- Linking to weighing machine, for auto entry of the Bit Reel being returned,
- Auto Emails to customers for shipment information
- Auto Emails to customers for Balance Confirmation
- Auto Emails to Vendors for reminders for material and for PO
- Auto Emails to HOD’s and Plant Head and Directors on Sales, purchase , stores critical parameters

Q5. How does your ERP help in product quality ?
A5. Cost-saving should never come at the expense of quality. Finsys has excellent submodules for
- Inward QC including paper inspection reports
- Outward QC like Pre despatch inspection reports
- In process QC, where QA is done at each stage transfer along with reason wise analysis
The ERP has the power to remember.. what Quality parameter is required for each raw material and each finished box. And it also remembers the Upper Limit and the Lower limit. Thus, it flags the production jobs for QC risks before they are shipped
So, Quality becomes more and more assured.
Finsys ERP suggests you to take the photo of the QA inspector ( “wow”) and the “Testing Machine”.. Things are amazing
So, We ensure high-quality raw materials and better maintained machinery, ensuring precision and consistency in production. Regular quality checks at every stage of the process further ensure that the end product meets our standards.

Q6. Sustainability is a growing concern. How do your cost-saving techniques align with environmental goals?
Finsys is a pioneering software which even helps you to know the FSC cerfication related reports… what came in, how it was consumed… which FG was made of which Kraft paper reels and which reel was purchased from which supplier and when…Everything gives you a high level of assurance of Traceability
Even Bailing operation , even wastage collection has a submodule or option in Finsys. Even the Plates and Dividers from the rejected 3ply are a facility.reduce waste, benefiting both the environment and our bottom line.

Q7. What challenges have you faced while implementing these cost-saving measures?
A7. There are 3 levels of people in every factory – Workers, Managers and Management. Sometimes some people are apprehensive, some are worried about data entry, some worried about transparency, some about dependency on each other. But fact is that, this dependency is for good. Actually, everybody is surely inter dependent, and there is no use of doing the same task again and again, duplicacy leads to errors and time waste.
So, we found that each of these three levels must be synchronised. All must have the same positive mindset for implementing any cost saving excercise. The ERP by itself is like a mini Factory improvement programme. It has its own set of people challenges… which can be managed by proper change management, and a happy environment.
So, our message to each corrugation management…”Regular interaction helps, regular training helps, management support helps”

Q8. What advice would you give to Corrugated box manufacturers looking to optimize costs?
The time to start is NOW
The time you place order for your machine,
The time you start hiring your first staff member for your new plant,
Plan, think and start implementing your ERP Software
It is as important as the machinery itself
It help you get more out of your Man-Machine-Material-Marketing and Money
It gives you methods to make business better
Jai Hind
Go to page 46 of the magazine on the ICPMA site above