Issue Material using Barcode QRcode, Android

Issue Material using Barcode QRcode, Android

Issue Material using Barcode QRcode, Android

Issue using QR Code + Scanned using Scanner .. Web Finsys Cloud Finsys



This is the all new, Cloud based Finsys, Web based Finsys, which is a Responsive web technology, the screen layout changes with the size of screen…. mobile / tab / laptop / mac / desktop

So, Issue using QR Code + Scanned using Scanner .. Web Finsys Cloud Finsys Traceability Barcode QR Barcode

First, how to print barcode second how to issue using barcode / QR code scanning you can use Android phone you can use laser scanner / infra red gun shaped scanner 8 steps of ERP implementation for this you may see another youtube video by Finsys ERP team in the service of the industry worldwide