Diwali 2023 : Prevent Server from Crashing during long holidays ( Do’s and Dont’s)

Diwali 2023 : Prevent Server from Crashing during long holidays ( Do’s and Dont’s)

Diwali 2023 : Prevent Server from Crashing during long holidays ( Do’s and Dont’s)

Wishing Good Health for your Server during the “Long Holidays” for Diwali

( Those with server on the Cloud, may ignore this message. Since Cloud is always “on”)

Friends, This year 2023, we all have a rather long and happy Diwali festivities and also Diwali Holidays. They may extend to between 4 days to 6 days in some companies

Sometimes the Factory “Electricity Generator” is also “switched off”. And this leads to Electricity being switched off for over 2 to 24 hours to the server.

Effective Result : Server improper shutdown. And this may lead to Hard Disk Crash. Effectively your Server may CRASH.

Every year, we get news of server ‘crash’ from around 3 to 6 customers.

Server Crashes during Diwali are encountered usually due to long breakdown of power supply.

Team Finsys Wish you a bright and joyous Diwali.
May your festival of light celebrations be fun, safe, and spiritual.

We also need your kind attention on Backup Policy. Please take action before going to leave.

Question 1 =  Backup taken properly ? , Before going on leave ?
Ans. Must be YES. We strongly recommend this.

Ques 2 = Is your Manual or Auto backup saved offsite ( on google drive) ?

Ans. Must be YES. Note mere external hard disk is not sufficient.

Ques 3 = Are you Saving “Backup” on a Google Drive / One-Drive,  separately other than server ? Is it Working Fine ?

Ans. Must be YES


Ques 4  = Your U.P.S should have capacity of 24 hours ? Is it working fine ?

Ans. Must be YES

Ques 5 = Size of Backup is increasing gradually regularly ? There is no erratic reduction ?

Ans. Must be YES.

Take Precautions and have a Happy Diwali

We wish you the Seasons Greetings and Happiness, and Prosperity, always. We in India love our Diwali festival. Let us enjoy and make our Country and our World Stronger, Happier always.


Prevent server Crash during Diwali holidays Finsys ERP guideline advisory. Links www.finsys.co.in and www.finsys.in, and www.finsys.biz


Going on a Long Diwali Festival Holiday. Before you start your holiday, do these 4 things for server safety and data safety. Finsys Advisory.

Helpline numbers during the holidays : 9015220220 – Dial  1 or 2