Bar code sticker at Gate Entry. replace Rubber Stamp at Gate

Bar code sticker at Gate Entry. replace Rubber Stamp at Gate

Bar code sticker at Gate Entry. replace Rubber Stamp at Gate

Software to print Bar code sticker at Gate Entry. *Automatic*

Guard Pastes on back of / front of Vendor bill. Along with Stamp.

Guard Gives receiving on vendors 4th copy also with this non-pealable sticker.

( Rubber Stamp is optional )

This is a stronger Gate Entry evidence than the Rubber Stamp.


  1. Imposes lock *Sticker not printed*

If there is no PO”. 👊🤜

  1. *Second Lock* : Sticker won’t be printed, if *Quantity supplied is more than PO* + Tolerance %… protects you from vendor sending excess. 👊🤜

  1. Updates ERP instantaneously. PPC know that goods have arrived.

  1. Your company looks *very very Professional*. 💡

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