Do you know that now Finsys has implemented Bar Code based Raw Material Issue in over 75 companies till now. ?
All these companies have now implemented “Near Perfect” FIFO based material issue. These companies have also been successful assuring Perfect Traceability of each Batch of production.
These can help a company in managing the business in a good organized way. ?
Traceability is enabled
FIFO is enabled.
Wastage go down,
Reconciliations get easier.
These ideas are available to all companies, which are Gearing towards Growth.
Bar Codes – on Raw Materials.
- Bar Coded Tags are printed automatically at the stage of Material receipt
- Scanners used for
- issue of Raw Material , from stores to production floor
- return of material from production floor to stores
- This helps in Batch wise Stock Traceability and FIFO / FEFO.
- Applicable in all Industries.
- Successful Results in Manufacturers of Steel auto components, Plastic Molded components, Rubber molded/extruded components, Corrugation, Laminate Flexible Packaging, Artificial Leather, and Pharma.