Finsys has a Great iOS based App for the iPhone users. For your Security, it is Mac Id based and Licence Controlled. Contact your Relationship manager on instructions, how to download and how to begin using it.
All of you who are using an *iPhone or an Apple device* can go to itunes and use this special new software which has been *made for apple only*
This will help you to do Approvals of three important areas :- purchase order , sales order and purchase requisition.
You can also see the daily MIS reports, monthly MIS reports, and certain other graphs, and charts and Grid based reports.
The difference between this and the existing ?
(A) Look and feel is one that Apple iPhone users love.
(B) Speed of accessing the data is 4X faster .
Some Screen Shots of the I-Phone App
It has been successfully accepted by the iTunes portal of Apple Corporation and is ready to use.