Proof of Delivery

Proof Of Delivery

    Concept paper

    1. Facility to upload the Scanned POD
    2. Link it to each invoice
    3. See the pending POD report
    4. See the old POD again and reprint it


    1. Many benefits to business
    2. Shipment lost in transit reduced
    3. Shipment forgotten with transporter reduced
    4. Doing work more professionally. Ease of doing work,
    5. Shipment delivery time monitored… company can digitally see, it was reasonable or not
    6. Auto email – to Sales team .. all invoices where POD not received and not attached within 7 days… daily auto email to marketing team, – relevant Customer service manager
    7. Auto email – to MD / Top team / Accounts tea, .. all invoices where POD not received and not attached within 7 days… daily auto email
    8. Ease in seeing LIVE “pending POD report”
    9. Ease in seeing the old POD again and reprint it
    10. Thus, very beneficial to all

    Other Notes

    1. All other features will remain as it is
    2. No other lock or feature or change desired
    3. Applicable for all divisions of IASPL
    4. Including MEDIA division ?? in that case you can upload the advertisement scanned copy / newspaper scanned copy
    5. Loading to be done by accounts dept only
    6. No control of Rights on who uploads what.. done by user rights , as you give to the users.