Training Topics in Finsys ERP Software – Accounts Modules – Another good list is
- Financial Year 2020-21 : How to Open in Finsys ?
- Financial Year 2020-21 : How to automatically carry forward the balances from old year to new year ?
- Can I work in both years 2019-20 and 2020-21 simultaneously ?
- How to again update opening balance, if i do the above ?
- Can Item balances be updated too ?
- Where is the MSME , payments made in time or not, Report in Finsys ? How to use ? Benefit ?
How to put closing stock entries in Finsys ERP ?
This is a Youtube Video……Simple, To the point, User Friendly… How to put closing stock entries in Finsys ERP ? How to see the profit and loss account yourself ? How to make the provisions in the profit and loss account. ? in Finsys ERP Software. Accounting Module.
| Watch it . Full. Start to end. | Learn the skill, art of seeing P & L account… It’s so easy. |
Accounts Modules Knowledge topics ?:
1. What is Standard logic of Chart of Accounts in Finsys ERP ? Which Nature of accounts , go in which Grouping ?
2. How many types of Nature of accounts in Finsys, Define each type.
3. What is account grouping, and subgrouping ( Scheduling).
4. What is the Automatic Balance sheet structure in Finsys. And how it works. How many different types of print out available in Balance Sheet.
5. What is the Automatic Profit & Loss structure in Finsys. And how it works. How many different types of print out available in P & L.
6. What is the difference between Net profit and Gross profit in P & L.
7. Difference between Balance sheet & Trial balance.
8. What is the trial balance. And many different types we can get trial balance print.
9. What is the difference between opening trial and trial balance.
10. What is the expense ration, and what is the importance or benefit of this report.
11. What is the yearly comparison of P & L report. And what the benefit of it.
12. How can we see monthly trial group wise, subgroup wise and ledger wise.
13. What is difference between cash flow and fund flow statement in Finsys.
14. What is the type master, How many different types of type master in Finsys which are fixed, explain each type. And what are the specific types in which we also linked account ledgers. And what is the purpose to link ledgers in this type. Please explain.
15. What is the schedule designer and what is the purpose of it.
16. What is the purpose of Sale accts Check button in Account master.
17. What is the A/c Clubbing button in account master.
a. What is the drawback and benefits of this button,
b. And what mandatory things to be take care before using this option.
18. If as customer wants statement of all ledger in single click or in single report, what option you will suggest to him.
19. What is the difference between Cash book and Bank book, how both report are different with each others.
20. How can I see type wise data for sale, purchase in which ledgers should come in columnar form.
21. What is voucher approval option in Finsys.
a. What is the steps to implement this,
b. How it works.
22. In case in month end, 100 of MRR are pending to book in Finance, and Customer ask the Pending MRR report, from where we can give provision value of purchase. And how many different types of formats we have in finsys.
23. What is balance confirmation letter in Finsys.
24. What is bank reconciliation in Finsys ? And what are the correct steps to implement this in any client. In which case it shows difference ?
25. What is Cost center option. How many different types of Cost Center we are using in Finsys, prepare one ppt of any type of cost center you worked on.
26. If a customer ask that he is using finsys payment option properly, and now he want reports of cheque issued register, then which report you will suggest to him.
29. What is the difference between Quick voucher and Rcpt/Pymt Voucher.
30. What is the difference between Quick voucher and MRR Costing.
31. If a user want to upload or view scan bill in Finsys after voucher passing, then how can he using this Scan doc option in Main Finsys. Give all details in Finsys.
32. In Finsys how How invoice hold for Payment option works. And how can we see the reports of hold voucher. And how can we un hold these invoice.
33. What is clear MRR/SRR option in Finsys, in which case it can be used fraudely, and what are the mandatory step we have to take care before doing this.
34. What is the Block/ cancel voucher option, and what is the difference between deletion and block/cancel of voucher.
35. What is MRR Passing register, What information it gives, how you will explain in your words.
36. What is the difference between 5B and 57 voucher type master. In 3b in which columns they appear.
37. What is the difference between 51 and 5A type voucher.
38. What are the specific type for Vendor Debit note and GST Debit note. And is the difference between working of both icon. In 3b in which section they appears.
39. How the the meaning and benefit of – Sales Area : in GST Related Checking Reports.
40. How the the meaning and benefit of – Purchase Area : in GST Related Checking Reports.
41. How the the meaning and benefit of – Debit/Credit Notes Area : in GST Related Checking Reports.
42. How the the meaning and benefit of – Data Update Opts : in GST Related Checking Reports.
43. How the the meaning and benefit of – Jobwork / Others : in GST Related Checking Reports.
44. How can we generate TDS supporting data to file TDS Return from Finsys, Give detailed step to implement this option.
45. What is interest computation option in Finsys, How it works.
46. What is the difference between payment advice and payment reminder letter, and give path of both reports.
47. If a Customer ask Sale vs Collection report month wise, which report you will suggest to Customers.
48. What is the difference between Statement of accounts and Detailed statement option.
49. What is the similarity and difference between cross year ledger and statement of accounts.
50. What is the difference between group trial and trial balance.
51. What is the difference between vertical trading account and vertical P & L account.
52. In case where Customer advance Payment received, and bill raised later, So what are the three option to knock off these advance payment received against bill raised.
53. In case where Supplier advance Payment done, and bill received later, So what are the three option to knock off these advance payment done against bill received.
54. If a customer does not have standard terms and condition, For some type of material he has 30 days and for some type of material he has 60 Days payment terms, Then how can we manage bill by bill due date, and where is the report available based no bill due date, not standard Payment terms entered in Master.
55. How following Report works. Each option is very important.
a. Finance Tab 1
b. Finance Tab 2.
c. Finance Tab 2.
d. Finance Tab 4
56. What is the meaning and benefit of each report, in each tab of department audit.
a. Eng., Purchase, Store Tab Report.
b. Inward Quality, Sales.
c. Finance, Accounts, Others.
Explain Importance of each reports, to the Director of Company.
57. What is Improvement of Matrix system, How will you explain to THE MD of a company.
58. How can we see Non-Moving Accounts in Finsys.
59. How can we see Negative Cash Report.
60. How can we see top 10 Debtors and top 10 Creditors.
61. What is the difference between Top 10 Debtors and Top 10 Customers.
62. If any Customer ask for a report for Party wise payment done details in Given Time period, which report you will suggest.
63. What is the difference between expense trend and Purchase Trend report, give path also.
64. How can we see Debtors bill wise outstanding report. ( about 25 reports varieties in this )
65. How can we see Creditors bill wise outstanding report.
Some Powerpoint based training areas
Training files Accounts – Basics
01 PPT-Creation of Item Codes + Grouping
02 PPT-FG grouping
03 PPT-How to Subgroup the Creditors in Finsys
04 purchase to Pay – Steel Bhupesh-31 slides (GST)
05 MLG- item and account codes 2019
06 ITEM GROUPS AND SUB GROUPS –Paper Packaging Industry V 2019
07 SOP behind—ITEM GROUPS AND SUB GROUPS – finalised ver 2014
08 BBP–ACCOUNTS Groups and subgroups- standard 2019
Folder 2 : 02 Accounts – PDF files and PPT, SKG manuals
01 PV Purchase vouchers all types
How to book RCM voucher entry (57,5B)
How to book Service voucher without MRR(5A)
How to book GST debit note (59)
How to link TDS % and TDS account code in master
What is the logic of reverce charge,overseas, composition etc in account master
How to book purchase voucher(50type)from second tab with linked MRR
How to book service voucher with MRR from 51 type
02 Import BILL 9 should be 56 instead of 50
03 Customer side CN Credit Note
04 Customer side Debit note of ours
05 CN towards our Vendor Side (his supplementary bill)
06 DN Vendor Side – for his rejection etc
07 Form 3B + GST Returns
08 costcentres_SUMIT
09 Purchase Vouchers_PROFiT LOSS
One of the Most Comprehensive ERP .. with depth of Accounts, Costs, Finance, and Control …always, Finsys ERP
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Modules and Benefits represented here above for “Example” purposes. They might have been or might not have been be purchased by you in your Purchase order.
About 85% of the Modules above are “Standard”, and other 15% are “on Extra basis”
You can surely go “Stage-wise”. The Inclusions and exclusions as per PO shall govern the actual delivery. Actual Customisation based on Industry, or State, or Country, or People’s interest and dedication may lead to varying results , which do vary from case to case.