Benefits of a Executive Assistant, who understands your work…and uses Finsys ERP… to Make your Business Better

| Management Co-ordinator | Executive Assistant | Management Representative |

First Role : Purchase “Eyes and Ears”

Part 1A : Assisting the MD / CEO in the Purchase Function by performing the Purchase Requisition Checked by and Purchase Order Checked by function

Benefit : Must Must Must see the Stock in hand before a PR is approved. Must see the PO in market before PO is approved. Must see the Price History. Must see if the Vendor is Approved at all ? Must see the Vendor Past supply History. Must see the prices of other vendors. Must see the Stock in Hand. All this information is available in the Finsys ERP.
Seeing that.

Part 1B : In Finsys ERP, the Purchase Module has over 200 Reports. But it is seen that the CEO / MD / Chief Materials Officer is not able to see 90% of them.

So, the Role of this MR is to see these reports and share the insights every week , Once a week, say on Friday


Saves time of MD / CEO / CFO / CMO + an Additional Check


Second Role : Stores “Eyes and Ears”

Assisting the MD / CEO in the Raw Material Stores Function

See the following Reports and discuss with management


  1. Stock Report – Raw Material and Bought out parts – FIFO stock value report – 4 colm report – item level(8 digit).. example : for 00 to 20 Group codes … Else how will management know the stock in hand value ? You are the Eyes and Ears. And if the Report shows any incongruency, or a spike, Raise alarm.
  2. Similarly, if there is any negative value in any Raw Material, Packing Material, Consumable, Finished Good, or WIP, Raise Alarm and get it solved. Usually these are due to back date editing and misuse of rights by somebody.
  3. If required, remove the rights of the willfull wrong doers.
  4. Extract the Finsys Report of all RM / BOP Items below Minimum level, and discuss with the management. Discuss with Purchase Department, discuss with Production, discuss with Stores, and help them take decisions
  5. Extract the Finsys Report of all RM / BOP Items ABOVE MAXIMUM Level, and discuss with the management. Discuss with Purchase, Production, discuss with Stores, and help them take decisions, how to consume this excess material now. And how to prevent the mistake of excess buying in future.
  6. Finsys Report of Reorder level based items… like Consumables, Inks, Adhesives, Oils, Repair items, Engineering Spare parts, Pantry consumables. Discuss with all concerned and help to solve.

Benefits of These Stores Reports

  1. Control of the situation
  2. Know who is entering data and who is not
  3. Know stock position LIVE ( almost live)
  4. All people are automatically understand the importance of entering the data live / almost live, since MD will see daily. And MD will rely on them.
  5. Issue entries are missed in some companies for some groups… will be done, since seen. ( Example Spare Parts and Consumables )
  6. Stock out position happens in repair items / many items. Since people do not remember to buy in time. This will be prevented if the Minimum levels and Reorder Levels are set + Reports daily monitored

Saves time of MD / CEO / CFO / CMO + an Additional Check


Third Role : Sales “Eyes and Ears”

Assisting the MD / CEO in the Sales and Marketing Function : Every Thursday

See the following Reports and discuss with management

Sales Order Approvals, Seen the FG stock before approving the order ? Seen the price history before approving the order ?

Did you see the Pre Sales Costing before approving the Sales Order ?

Customer Credit Limit in Rs Lakhs / Rs Crores / Millions entered ? in ERP ? Is the Lock working ? What is the SOP, if the lock triggers and shipment is to be stopped / sent ? and what next time ? next to next time ?

Sales orders vs Despatch Reports ( for Fix Quantity based Order Based Industry ),

Sales Schedule vs Despatch Reports ( for Open Quantity based , with weekly/monthly schedules Industry ).

FG stock in hand Value report

FG Ageing of Stock Report.


Backups are being taken or not ? ~~ Information Technology “Eyes and Ears” ?

Backup of the Finsys ERP.  Backup of Important Emails ? Backup of Customer Purchase Orders ? Backup of Scanned Vouchers ? Backup of Costing files ? Backup of Drawings, and Artwork ? Autocad work
Backup is put on a separate Google Drive or One Drive or Dropbox or not ?

Removes chances of Data Disaster due to Hard Disk Crashes , Virus, Malware and Ransomware.

Better Safety


Production “Eyes and Ears”

See that Seniors are doing these jobs ?
Are they seeing the Costing of Finished Goods Produced ? If this option of BOM Cost, or Pre Sale cost, or Post Sale cost is a part of your Finsys ERP, are they using it ? And are they discussing the exceptions/ losses with the management ?
Are the Job Cards being made ? Means, Production must be as per proper instruction. Which Raw material ? Which Machine ? Which consumable ? Which die / Mould / Sterio ? What is the FG Packing Standard etc. So, is all this followed ?  Who approves the Job Card in the Finsys ERP ? if nobody else, then you should do it.
Decision on alternative Material ?
WIP movement ? Is it being recorded in Finsys or not ? If not, why not ? And if it is a part of the Delivery already made by Finsys to you, then why are your people not using it ? Where is the WIP Stock Report ?


Despatches for next day : Is the Stock ready ? or we produce at the last minute, with high Blood Pressures, for all ?  Can you not help in this advance planning ? Finsys can help you in making Jobcard in advance, machine loading in advance, even packing department instruction sheet in advance and so on.

Stores Finished Goods FG Receipt from production, store till instruction to ship, and make invoice to ship
Material Gate Gate Entry – Guard or stores will go out ?
Reel Stores Reel Bar code pasting, receipt, location, Issue by scanning bar code
Sale Invoicing – Despatch, and loading
QC inwards Paper Inspection Report, other Inward QC
QC outwards Pre Dispatch QC work
QC in process IPQC

Thank you.

Contact Finsys and MBB Team for more ideas to make your company , more and more systematic


Contact us on 9015220220 – Extension 3 : Sales Dept