Who makes Purchase indent in your company ? ( How to Foolproof your Purchases further)

Who makes Purchase indent in your company ? ( How to Foolproof your Purchases further)

Who makes Purchase indent in your company ? ( How to Foolproof your Purchases further)

Who makes Purchase indent in your company ?

Train actual users to make their own indents, in Finsys ERP,
and then get approved from their HOD , again digitally

Else …. you are losing all these Benefits:

You get the Reports of

1. Which indent not made, and PO made ?
2. Which Po made for higher than approved indent quantity ?
3. Indent made by user and senior is approving manually ? Why ?
4. Which indent, made by user, approved, but…. no PO decided even after 15 days… ?
5. which goods purchased against indent, but…. never issued… so waste of money ?
6. Which goods purchased… against indents… but became slow moving… excess buying… why ? What was the chain of events ?

and so on

Think about it

This is a standard feature of our Finsys ERP

Contact your Relationship manager, or Finsys call centre for details

See the detailed Youtube Video in the voice of Mr Puneet Gupta, on

How to fool proof your purchases. Especially in the Corrugation Packaging Sector
Approved rate lists.
Price History.  and Bulk Sauda of Raw Material vs. Delivery po.